绍兴市镜湖新区晟隆针织机械配件行 杉龙制针社是亚洲较早的织针制造商,创办至今半个多世纪来公司逐步发展壮大,现已拥有一套完善的生产设备和技术研发队伍,专业生产研发大圆机,无缝内衣机,横机,袜机等精密织针及辅针. 今天公司根据市场需要,整合西方先进制针技术并积极与各知名机械厂家配合,凭借自己丰富的生产研发经验,不断改良,创新生产适合亚洲针织市场发展需要的优质,高效,价廉,稳定,耐用型织针,以满足广大客户需求. 公司以"诚信立足,创新致远"为企业宗旨,真诚与您合作,共创美好未来. 杉龙织针绍兴办事处,位于绍兴市东浦高桥立交桥旁(104国道旁)中国机电城A-1022.批发零售兼营! 销售电话:13115750088。热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。 SAMLUN pin is earlier knitting needle manufacturers in Asia.Established for more than half a century ha developed rapidly,we now have a whole set of perfect production equipment and technology research and development team,specializing in the production of research and development circle,seamless underwear machine,flat knitting machine,hosiery machine precision and auxiliary knitting needle. Today we according to the market demand,integration of advanced western technology of pin and actively cooperate with the famous machinery manufacturers,with rich experience in production research ank development,continuous inprovement,innovation,production knitting for market development in Asia with high quality,high efficiency,low price,stabce,stable and durabletype of knitting needle,in order to meet the needs of cutomers. We take "the good faith based,innovation" as the enterprise objective sincere cooperation with you and create a better future. Please enter the text to be translatd
- 所在地区:浙江省绍兴市越城区
- 行业分类:服装及其他纤维制品制造业
- 地址:北京市 东城区 中国 浙江 绍兴市越城区 绍兴市东浦高桥立交桥旁
- 邮编:312000